Category: Horace McCoy

Thoughts at the half way point of They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?

If you thought it was just Camus and Sartre that did the whole “Life is rubbish so I might as well die” line in existentialism then think again because Horace McCoy delivers something just as dark with They Shoot Horses Don’t They?

Halfway through and you already know how the story ends because it starts in a courtroom with the narrator facing death for murder but the story unfolds detailing how he got to know Gloria and just why he killed her. Her gloomy bleak outlook on life wears the young man down and even when things might go well she is determined not to let them.

Two failed actors hanging round Hollywood meet and then enter a dance marathon competition together to try and raise money. The competition last weeks and over that time Gloria continually talks of death. Why didn’t Robert escape from her? That remains to be found out.

A review will follow shortly…