Category: Internet

Mapping out from Edgar Allan Poe

Tapping in Edgar Allan Poe according to the literature map site the other authors that I might fancy reading include Karl Marx, Lewis Carroll and Howard Phillips Lovecraft. You can get a map of what else readers of Poe read and it is a possible prompter of other suggestions for authors. It’s a bit of fun but once you start its hard to stop playing around with it tapping in other writers you can think of.

Mapping out from Edgar Allan Poe

Tapping in Edgar Allan Poe according to the literature map site the other authors that I might fancy reading include Karl Marx, Lewis Carroll and Howard Phillips Lovecraft. You can get a map of what else readers of Poe read and it is a possible prompter of other suggestions for authors. It’s a bit of fun but once you start its hard to stop playing around with it tapping in other writers you can think of.