Cosmopolis – post II

Once I started to treat this as science fiction (thanks Brandon for that advice) with out a desperate search for hooks of reality I could hang the narrative from it became a lot more enjoyable. The movement towards the climax becomes a series of episodes that raise the debate about capitalism and mortality.

Eric Packer in some respects reminds you of the characters in Falling Man in the sense that he is sketched out with enough back story to make it work but not the sort of chapter and verse that 19th century literature likes to go in for. As a result you read with a certain degree of detachment and can take in the story as a neutral observer rather than a reader that has invested in the life of a character.

The thoughts that yoiu are left with after this book are about the irony that even those you depose can have good advice and the feeling that those at the top of the capitalist tree can easily fall to the ground and once again become ordinary. If anything they are even more ordinary than the rest of us who have normal lives and it is the trappings of success that make them seem different.

A review will follow soon…

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